Thursday, January 23, 2014

Scary Things

I was never a scaredy-cat. Growing up, I don't usually fear the things that other kids would be scared of, like the dark, imaginary monsters under the bed, being left at preschool by myself, and climbing a tree. I don't know if I was born this brave, or I just happened to grow up in a home wherein I was taught to face my fears and not to be scared of things.  Later on, as time passed and I grew up, I learned that grown-ups get scared also. Not of the usual childish things, but of things that can't be seen all the time.

Now I realized that there are also things that I fear. Like being rejected, confessing my feelings, opening up to people, losing something or someone, and the future that lies ahead. The older you grow, the more scared you become. These things can be worse than the usual fictitious monster lurking underneath your bed. These unseen scary things can strike without warning, and when you're facing this kind of enemy, you wouldn't really know what to do. For once, I got really scared at the thought of graduating and yet having no life stability. The news of fresh graduates not really getting the careers they want and having their dreams shattered was enough to scare me. But, I learned to push my worries aside and learn to do my best in the present.

You have to learn to face some fears whether you like it or not. It's part of improving yourself and learning to make your own life better. If we keep running away, then what will happen to our lives? Whether it's biking for the first time or having to admit the truth to yourself, facing your fears can strengthen you and make you wiser.

I still get scared sometimes, but I learned that if something's not scary, then it's not worth it. Especially with making your own life choices and pursuing your dreams.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Loving The Cold

Not everyone likes winter. It can get cold and freezing, and you wouldn't want to get out of bed on a wintry morning! But in spite of the painful cold, I look at the bright side of having a bleak winter. It's not everyday you get to experience the cold weather, and summer can get pretty sweltering. So since we're talking about the positive sides of winter, here are the things I love about winter season:

1. Cardigan weather. Winter is the perfect time to bring out my quirky sweaters and pretty cardigans. I like dressing up in this winter fashion: a long-sleeved top, cardigan, jacket, pants, and booties. The winter season can really test out your fashion quotient. You can look posh while walking along a snowy path without having to break the bank. Most winter clothes I've got were bought during the summer at selected thrift shops. And they're in mint condition!

2. Hot chocolate and warm drinks. My friends said that I make really good hot chocolate! I've made so many cups already in our dorm, that I lost count. That kept us awake during our exam reviews in the midst of the biting cold that we can feel from the outside. And it's not just hot chocolate. We've also downed some warm apple cider, tea, and all the warm drink mixtures we could think of.

3. Ice skating. We've been through the ice skating rink lately and it was fun to skate around. Bonus points if you're wearing a skater skirt. Winter season forces me to move around. It's not just ice skating, but also doing some cardio exercises.

4. White everywhere. The white surroundings are so lovely, that I'm this close to belting out "Let It Go" from "Frozen" and sashaying around like Queen Elsa. There's just something soothing with seeing white everywhere.

5. Cuddle weather. Oh my, I know what you're thinking! Cuddling with someone, eh? So far, the only cuddle sesh I experienced lately are with my dorm friends, while holding a movie marathon (because it was too cold to go outside). Nothing beats a good hug during the cold, plus the feeling of together-ness you guys experience.

Here are my reasons for loving the winter cold. Though I also look forward to summer, I do my best to enjoy the winter season. The cold won't be coming back again until later on, so make the most out of it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Sorry For Hibernating!

My golly, time flies by so fast and I can't believe it's 2014 already! It's the 9th day of the year, and yet, it feels like as if I'm expecting so much from it. Well, it's still starting, so this month, I'm giving myself loads of time to daydream, and come February, it's time for action!

Oh no wait, I have to take action now with regards to my academics. No, I didn't flunk any course lately, but there's this major assignment that I'm still working on since Christmas break. Imagine having to research on December 25th! But then, it didn't dampened my holiday spirit. Christmas and New Year was fun! I got to go home to my state and spend Christmas with my family and childhood friends. We spend some time catching up with each other in regards to college life and possible romances. It was fun talking again like the old times while munching on cheese fries and drinking shakes from the good old neighborhood diner. Ah, the old times.

Connecting with the past while nurturing present relations sure is a good thing to do for the new year. Aside from that, these are the things I don't promise doing, but will make a resolve to really accomplish something:

1. Learn a new language. German, French, or Spanish? The choices are endless. Having a second tongue will prove to be beneficial in the long run, with regards to travel and career plans.

2. Travel somewhere else. 2013 is my year of travel, with my Thailand trip being the highlight of it all. I hope I'll be given another chance to travel without school bogging me down.

3. Improve my culinary skills. I'm learning to cook lately. So far, it's only pancakes and homemade mac and cheese (not the boxed ones!). Soon, I'll move on to cooking meat dishes. Thankfully, my grandma taught me some dish over the holidays.

4. Write more often. Yeah, I know, I took my blog for granted, but now, let me start again with a bang!

5. Read more books. I want to start reading the Divergent series by Veronica Roth. Hearing that it's being made into a movie, I want to know the hype behind it. Of course, I won't forget the literary classics as well.

I hope these plans of mine will be something I'll really do. For now, let me rest as I plan my course for this year 2014. Wishing you all a rockin' year ahead!